Tuesday, May 21, 2019

EXAMINER: Letter to the Editor

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com>

Date: Monday, 1 April 2019 at 7:31 pm
To: EXAMINER <editor@examiner.com.au>

Dear Editor,

Mayor van Zetten invites Launcestonians to read the city’s proposed budget and tell Council what matters to them. However, this budgetary process is one devised to confound and confuse.

Footy fans will be bewildered by the $3Million Plus that has been allocated to resurfacing York Park. By all accounts the current surface is performing “quite well”.

Apparently, the ground’s drains are blocked. However, Launceston does not have the rainfall to make that the problem, that it’s probably not.

Anyway, there is relatively cheap and cost-effective equipment available to mitigate the threat of “churned up muddy playing surface.” So, let’s get one.

The budget is littered with extraordinary expenditures. It is a financial extraction process that just does not stack up.

There are far too many issues embedded that need attention – issues being ignore by Council.

To list some, the staff level appears problematic; the cultural budget is more than challenging; as is the recreational budget.

Then the administration budget is frightening and as for waste management that is an issue worthy of much deeper consideration.

In the corporate world shareholders would now take drastic action. Launceston’s ratepayers need to as well, threatened as they are with ongoing, uncontained and unsustainable rate bills.

Ray Norman
Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network

PH: 03-6334 2176
40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine

“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Launceston Council's Accountability

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com>
Date: Thursday, 2 May 2019 at 4:53 pm
To: "Auditor General [Tas]" <admin@audit.tas.gov.au>

Subject: Launceston Council's Accountability

Dear Sir,

It is with some reluctance that I write now to draw this matter to your attention. Rather than the new Council being more inclined, more committed, to be accountable to its constituency the converse seems to be increasingly the case. As a part of my research, private and independent research, I am in contact with a network of ‘concerned citizens’ who for various reasons wish remain in the background – who are nonetheless well informed and concerned given unfolding events.

By way of background, you should be aware that a key component of my work as a researcher is to do with placemaking/placemarking, cultural landscaping and cultural geography – https://raynorman7250.blogspot.com/. Fundamentally, these things are to do with the purpose of ‘local governance’. As a consequence, I am an element of a network of networks with many of the others involved living in the Tamar/Esk/Kanamaluka/Ponrabbel ‘region’ – plus others well beyond and/or with different understandings.

Also, given that ‘Launceston’ is my current HOMEplace, as a consequence it is an element of my WORKplace cum laboratory’ along with all those other factors that make places HOMEplaces what they are and that lend ‘placedness’ to spaces geographies in the end.

That said, for whatever reasons it seems that the City of Launceston Council is attempting to insulate itself from any form of critical inquiry – indeed, position itself well beyond the range of any form of serious critical discourses. To the extent that it is the case, I believe that the resultant ‘bureaucratic opacity’ is not only untenable but it also points to a situation that is fundamentally counterproductive in regard to effective representational local governance – especially so in regard to accountability and transparency.

With all this in mind you might better understand the context within which I communicate with you – or indeed anyone in networks I’m currently engaged with.

I have been asked by Council to comply with a set of ‘communication protocols’ which seems to have been designed enable the General Manager to deem it to be ‘inappropriate’ for me to write to Council unless it is at his/Council’s convenience. Accordingly, alone and on behalf of others, I have written to Council seeking answers to a series of questions to do with the current budget process and the city’s apparently evolving, as yet largely undisclosed, ‘cultural strategy’.  This correspondence has been dismissed, along with the questions, and has not found its way onto the Council Agenda, and thus on the record, albeit that it was submitted for that purpose, in a timely way and as required – see below.
I’m left to assume that this has been done under the provisions of the Local Govt. Act such as those to be found in SECTIONS 62 & 65 and that I’m assuming the General Manager might well be relying upon and ready to invoke at any time.

In a way, in a research context, I very much look forward to the subjectivity of, and the deeming of, what is relevant/irrelevant and/or appropriate/inappropriate being disclosed. It is most likely that this will be the only way I might discover such things is by testing the protocols.

Given my network linkages from time-to-time I’m called upon to relay messages, information, concepts etc. For whatever reason people, understandably, often do not wish to be “disadvantaged, be bureau-bullied, be overlooked, be dismissed and sidelined, actively discriminated against, whatever” even when its asserted that this will not happen, they seek a level of anonymity. Surely, you will have witnessed this before now abhorrent as it might be.

Given that each recipient of correspondence from me can, and is free to, ‘filter’ it in their own way – many do for whatever reason – I see no reason to conform to a protocol that aims to silence a critical discourse – even if I’m now mindful of the requirement

I suspect that in time we will all discover where the divide is between appropriate and inappropriate is when it is at work within Town Hall. Likewise, at sometime in the future we may even see the differentiation between ‘governance’ and ‘management’ clarified – or blurred even further.  As expectations of governance and management shift – locally and further afield – change is inevitable. 

Expectations relative to ‘accountability and transparency’ are ever likely to move in line with social networking as the consequent contemporary cultural, political and social dynamics come into play. Along with all that, quite likely there will come new perceptions of what ‘accountability’ should look like through a 21st Century lens.  That lens increasingly affords sharper definitions and deeper perceptions. Nonetheless, ‘old fashioned accountability’ should not be made redundant.

Launceston And Cultural Funding In Context With Local Government.

As a regional centre Launceston is somewhat unique given its histories and especially so in regard to its ‘cultural infrastructure’. A cornerstone of that infrastructure is the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery operated by the city’s council and operating as the ‘custodian institution’ for one of Australia’s most important ‘cultural collections’. Of interest here is the notional value of the QVMAG collections. they have been reported as being $240Million plus.

The recurrent funding for the institution is by-and-large conscripted from the city’s ratepayers with the State’s taxpayers contributing something in the order of $1.7Million per annum towards recurrent costs. Capital expenditure typically comes from government grants and/or other private cum corporate sponsorships which in turn means that the institution holds in its stewardship extremely important cultural and scientific material that is ‘owned in lore’ by a layering of ‘communities of ownership and interest’.

As a consequence of the institution’s growth over time there has been a blurring of its ‘governance’, and along with that, the institution’s appropriate ‘management practices’. This has not always been in accord with what might be understood as ‘best practice’.

Given all that is at risk, and at stake, the circumstances currently prevailing and the consequent outcomes all this seems to point to a need for some form of independent arms-length investigation to contextualise/recontextualise the institution’s purpose, governance and management in a 21stC context. Also, all this in accord with the kind of ‘transparent accountability’ that ought to be the norm in a 21st C Australia context.

In Conclusion

I am looking forward to there being some independent examination of the circumstances that embody the cultural, social and environmental ‘realities’ that define place relative to ‘cultural funding and cultural institutions’ operating under the aegis of the City of Launceston. Strategically, I am not following my intuitive inclination to disregard politicised edicts/assertions and simply ‘move on’, given that what is at risk and at stake is non-trivial. My experiences and research over time mitigates against that.

For context, as I said at the outset, I see all this as a timely opportunity to address issues and misunderstandings to do with accountability and transparency relevant to Local Govt. and ‘the purposefulness of musingplaces’ in the cultural realities that define ‘placedness’ in a 21st C context.


Ray Norman

Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
PH: 03-6334 2176
40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine

“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com>
Date: Saturday, 27 April 2019 at 3:08 pm
To: Contact Us <contactus@launceston.tas.gov.au>
Cc: Mayor <mayor@launceston.tas.gov.au>, Michael Stretton <Michael.Stretton@launceston.tas.gov.au>
Subject: QUESTIONS: Cultural Funding

Mayor and Councillors,

It was with some dismay that I found that questions that have been submitted by myself and a network of ‘concerned citizens’ do not appear on the current agenda albeit submitted in time.

For my own part I regard the questions as being important given that:
·         The information being sought does not appear to be available elsewhere;
·         The budget process that is in progress calls upon ‘the community’ to provide feedback;
·         The community would need this information in order to adequately respond to the call for feedback;
·         The budget allocation calls for funding to be provided for an ‘operational unit’ that is new and somewhat ill defined; and
·         Within the ‘cultural funding provisions’ the unit’s purposefulness is unclear and is by-and-large open to speculation.

The questions have been presented in context and should not encroach upon ‘confidential matters’. If this information is available elsewhere could someone please direct me to it. If as the General Manager has suggested in other correspondence the questions are “inappropriate” in any way please advise me why that is being deemed to be so.

I look forward to Council’s response with interest.



Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network

PH: 03-6334 2176
40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine

“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Good afternoon Anthea,

Following discussions within the network it has been agreed that these questions submitted earlier by Treva Alen should be sent to you requesting that they be submitted to Council for formal inclusion on the NEXT AGENDA as QUESTIONS ON NOTICE. We ask this given that it is now apparent that it is not enough to submit questions to the Mayor and/or GM to ensure that outcome.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email and notify us that the questions have been placed on the agenda as requested.

In future we will address all question we wish to be included in the COUNCIL AGENDA to: 
  • Yourself
  • Contact Us and
  • Also lodge them on COL63233000.BLOGSPOT.COM

Ray Norman

#3  Mayor van Zetten tells us that "[he] encourages all ratepayers to read over the budget proposal and make a submission to our engagement process. It's important that, as a Council, we understand what matters to the community," We are doing so and posting questions as people in the network raise an issue.


To support a citizens review process the following questions arise relative "Cultural Funding"

 – Given the budget allocation of $7.9Million or approx $151K per week that is largely funded from rate demands:
  1. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in this area of activity overall and within the aegis of the 'Cultural Unit'?
  2. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time at the QVMAG?
  3. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time Princess Theatre?
  4. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in Cultural Unit?
  5.  Given that the QVMAG BUDGET represents something in the order of 5.5% [ $6.2Mil] of the city's recurrent budget, how does this component of 'the cultural spend' compare with comparable cities elsewhere? 
  6. Similarly, how does Launceston's total 'cultural spend' [$7,9 Mil ... 7%] – plus $644K events spend – compare with comparable jurisdictions elsewhere in Australia.
  7. Given that the Cultural Unit has been envisioned as a 'purposeful operation', going forward what are current outcomes that would be its measures of success in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years 5 years?
  8. Given the additional $400K plus in the QVMAG'S recurrent budget allocation and the proposed $5.3K Capital expenditure, what are the anticipatable and measurable outcome flowing from this expenditure?
  9. What specific 'productivity dividends' can be expected for cultural outputs in the Municipality as a consequence of the implementation of the 'Cultural Unit' and other efficiencies being implemented? How and when are the 'dividends' going to be accessed and by whom?
  10.  What grant funds and/or sponsorships going forward are being sought in this area for cultural production, publications and/or research, and from whom?
  11. What research projects are currently in place and when is it anticipated that there will be an outcome or interim report?
  12. What strategies are in place, and anticipated, towards developing incoming generative initiatives via, or by, the city's cultural producers et al via the 'Cultural Unit'.
  13. Given the relative magnitude of the proposed operational budget/s what is the proposed reporting schedule to Council?
Please Respond to: Treva Alen <treva.alen@bigpond.com>

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